The sheer glory of Frankincense shines bright against a dark veil of Oakmoss and the hushed warmth of Virginian Cedarwood. The magical scent of Khor Rori at dusk, when incense wafts from the boats ashore.
How to apply your Attar Incense Rori:
Using the dabber, gently apply a drop of Attar Incense Rori on your pulse point in a swift smear. Very gently, dab your wrists together so as to wake the Attar up.You may also apply a single drop of Attar to the tip of your finger, then dab your pulse points, without rubbing them. Should you have any Incense Rori attar left on your finger, you may run your hand through your beard or your hair. Always apply your Attar on your skin.
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