Nose: Philippe Paparella-Paris
Inspired to evoke an uplifting vibe of extreme bliss. The fragrance starts off with an overdosed freshness of lemon, bergamot, grapefruit, bitter orange and mandarin, enriched with saffron, black pepper and cardamom. Followed by a floral heart featuring jasmine, lily and orange flower to an overwhelming rich base composed of vetiver, ambergis, tonka, musk and moss.
Ethanone, Acetic acid anhydride, Cyclohexanol Cyclohexene, Terpineol Methanoazulene, Butanone Benzeneethanol, Octadien Cyclohexanol, Octadien Pyran, Benzoic acid, Octadienal Oxabicyclo, Bicyclo, Penten Cyclohexanemethanol, Phenol Ethanone, Bicyclo, Octadien Benzoic acid, Octadien, Bicyclo Buten, Bicyclo, Cyclohexanol Benzenepropanal, Benzodioxole
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