Nose: Philippe Paparella-Paris
A lavish and erotic leathery rose fragrance with tangy fruity and almost candy like aroma. Iced with smoky leather notes that invokes sensuality with hints of syrupy caramel, vanilla, musk and amber.
Ethanone, Acetic acid anhydride, Cyclohexanol Cyclohexene, Terpineol Methanoazulene, Butanone Benzeneethanol, Octadien Cyclohexanol, Octadien Pyran, Benzoic acid, Octadienal Oxabicyclo, Bicyclo, Penten Cyclohexanemethanol, Phenol Ethanone, Bicyclo, Octadien Benzoic acid, Octadien, Bicyclo Buten, Bicyclo, Cyclohexanol Benzenepropanal, Benzodioxole
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